jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Star Wars Episode 3 Is Better Than Episode 4

One of the biggest complaints that people have with Star Wars is the Prequels. Most fans think that George Lucas should not have gone back to the series and for the most part they are right. Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith however is not the bad movie that you would think it is based on fan reaction. Yes, the movie has its flaws, but at the same time it has several redeeming qualities.

I feel that I am about to commit geek Dom sacrilege by saying this, but Star Wars revenge of the Sith is a better movie than the Original Star Wars, AKA Episode 4: A New Hope. Ok, not put down the middle finger because I cannot see it through your monitor anyway and hear me out. Episode 4 did a great job setting up the hero and an entire universe, but it is full of inconsistencies and bad acting. If you thought Hayden Christensen was annoying when he was bitching throughout episode 2, then why do you not think the same of Luc when he was whining to Uncle Owen?

Think of all the inconsistencies of episode 4 when you look at the canon of the universe and you will find a lot of them. Then you have the fights between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Are you really going to tell me that two old geezers tapping lightsabers is better than the fight they had at the end of Episode 3 when they were young and full of energy?

Fine, Episode 3 has its faults too. Mainly the problem was with the direction of the movie though. Some of the problems it had were in the writing, I mean dies because she gave up on life? Anakin goes bad and she has no reason to live anymore? She just had a couple of babies, you’d think that they would give her a reason to live, but they were not all that important to her I guess. Say what you will about your parents, but they never died out of sadness and left you unprotected.

In the end, most people get blinded by their love for Star Wars and they do not see a lot of the flaws of Episode 4 which was epic, but not as good a movie as people think it is. There is a difference between having an epic movie and having a good movie.

I am seeing the difference between the two because I recently watched all 6 movies in preparation for episode 7 which I will be seeing on the day it comes out. Maybe it is that Episode 2 was so bad that episode 3 seemed like a masterpiece and my expectations were too low, but if that is the case then why did episode 3 feel better than episode 4?

Episode 3 gets an A-

Episode 4 gets a B+

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